Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Training

Train and certify individuals in your organization on VTRA, the trauma-informed threat assessment framework that aims to identify and intervene within potential pathways to violence. Get in touch to learn more about our in-person and virtual training sessions today.

What is VTRA Training?

“What VTRA provides is the tool to identify, to develop the database, and to provide an assessment between someone who is talking about violence versus one who is actually becoming operational.”
– Dr. Tony Beliz, fmr. Deputy Director, LA County Mental Health Emergency Outreach Bureau

The 10th edition of the ‘National Training VTRA Protocol’ is a practical approach to building teams that can monitor, assess, intervene against, and prevent violence within a community.

VTRA Training instills the perspective that serious violence is an evolutionary process, meaning that pre-incident data is often available to help proactively identify and prevent the occurrence; put simply, VTRA implies that nobody “just snaps”. 

The three stages of the VTRA framework are:

  1. Stage One – Initial data collection and immediate interventions
  2. Stage Two – Risk evaluation for moderate-to-high-risk situations
  3. Stage Three – Data-driven and trauma-informed interventions

The Benefits of the VTRA Framework & Training

Implement A Practical Method to Prevent Violence

During VTRA training, typically 60 to 80 participants are led through hands-on situations using real-world examples and actual case studies. The outcome of the training is a team that shares a set of coordinated and unified actions, a common language and concepts, and a mutual vision for success.

Build A Collaborative Network

The VTRA framework builds rapid communication between functional, multidisciplinary and multiagency teams to quickly assess threat levels and determine appropriate interventions. Because VTRA addresses all forms of violence, the team composition can have permanent members and ad hoc members who are utilized when their areas of specialization are required. This can include Education, Human Resources (HR), Management, Social Work Agencies, Community Mental Health Workers, Police, Hospitals, Probation/Parole, and other professionals. 

Get Ongoing Support

Through regular touchpoints, software, and resources, CTIP helps our partners implement and sustain VTRA best practices in their communities and networks. Learn more about Outreach, CTIP’s case management and collaboration tool for real-time VTRA data collection, analysis, and intervention strategies.

  • 70,000+ trained professionals
  • 4,000+ training sessions completed since 1999
  • 1,000+ communities using our methodologies

Let’s Work Together to Empower Your Organization