
Guidelines for Re-Entry into the School Setting During the Pandemic

Written by J. Kevin Cameron, Executive Director NACTATR / CTIP | May 13, 2020 9:18:00 PM
While Health Departments have been directing much of the initial focus on re-entry to schools, the emotional and traumatic impact of COVID-19 has received less attention. These Guidelines will set the standard as the most comprehensive trauma-informed and systems-based practice for supporting students, staff and their families during the pandemic.

Executive Summary:
Guidelines for Re-Entry into the School Setting During the Pandemic: Executive Summary



While Health Departments have been directing much of the initial focus on re-entry to schools, the emotional and traumatic impact of COVID-19 has received less attention. These Guidelines will set the standard as the most comprehensive trauma-informed and systems-based practice for supporting students, staff and their families during the pandemic.

Executive Summary:
Guidelines for Re-Entry into the School Setting During the Pandemic: Executive Summary


Watch Overview of the Guidelines

Main Document:
File: PDF Guidelines for Re-Entry into the School Setting During the Pandemic
Version Française: PDF Directives pour les établissements scolaires en vue de la réouverture des écoles durant la Pandémie


External Link:
What is Child Trauma? The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Support Document:
Family Dynamics During the Pandemic: Closeness-Distance Cycle

External Link:
NACTATR Client Portal: Click to Log In

Support Document:
Rising to the Challenge: Staying Connected with All of Our Students
Matching Resources to Risk: Guidelines for Administrators in Support of Teachers and School Personnel for Multi-Platform Connection During a Pandemic


Support Document:
Trauma in Human Systems: A Brief Introduction

Support Document:
Bystanders to School Violence / Upstanders for Safety
What they can teach us as schools reopen during and after the pandemic

Support Document:
Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Schools, Teachers, and Students
Listen Protect Connect/Model and Teach

External Link:
Support for Students Exposed to Trauma
The SSET Program

External Link:
Bounce Back
Effectiveness of an Elementary School-Based Intervention for Multicultural Children Exposed to Traumatic Events


External Link:
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
Second Edition

Support Document:
Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Schools, Teachers, and Students
Adult (Staff to Staff) Version

External Link:
American Psychological Association

Support Document:
Understanding Differential Young Male Resilience in the Face of Trauma and Loss

Support Document:
Depression/Affective Dysregulation Symptoms In Adolescent and Young Adult Males

Support Document:
An Introduction to and Considerations for Posttraumatic Growth