
Is the Pandemic Really Over?

Written by Dr. Victoria Raish | Sep 8, 2023 7:51:24 PM

News outlets publish articles every day with headlines such as “pandemic is over;” these will be found next to headlines that describe the long-lasting mental health effects or learning gaps that the pandemic has exacerbated. Opinions on the pandemic’s ending notwithstanding, students are back in school and everyone is adjusting to education in what may be a post-pandemic world. One of our favorite phrases is, “the pandemic did not cause new symptoms to develop in our society: it raised the anxiety, which worsened existing symptom development.” Our online learning courses provide a unique, systems-based perspective on human functioning, mental health, socioemotional learning, and trauma-informed practices.  


Our most recent course, titled “Our Students: Where They’ve Been and Where They’re Going,” takes some of the key lessons learned from the pandemic and applies concepts to them. This course provides four lessons that each take an average of two hours to complete. With a good ratio of videos, content, authentic activities, interactions, reflections, and discussion boards, you will have an active learning experience where we help to facilitate your understanding of the content.  

The content in the course includes lessons titled: 
1.    The Trauma (Stress) – Response Continuum 
2.    Quarantine and Supportive Education Delivery 
3.    Psychodynamics of Social Media 
4.    Closing the Connection Gap to Close the Learning Gap 

After completing this course, you will receive a certificate that provides continuing education credits for your learning. If you have ever wondered why different people seem to have different reactions to the same traumatic experience, or why students can’t discuss social media problems with the adults in their lives, this course will help to answer these questions and others.  

This professional development course—along with all our other online courses—are mobile-friendly, responsive, and systems based. So whether you have ten free minutes in the morning or are commuting after work, you can work on bits of content, take away solid insights, and make progress in course completion.  

If this sounds like a course that interests you, make sure to enroll: start gaining new knowledge that will give you the structure needed to explain what you’re seeing both inside and outside the classroom.