Hear from Our Partners
The Violent Threat Risk Assessment Protocol has provided our schools and our community with an extremely valuable comprehensive process to follow when addressing violent threat risk behaviours of individuals and/or groups. The intervention plans, often with input from our community experts, provide immense support to individuals and their families in interrupting a trajectory towards further violence. The opportunity to consult and collaborate with CTIP when addressing complex and challenging situations has been most appreciated. Not only does the protocol assist in creating safer communities within the school and larger community context, it also creates healthier, caring communities for everyone.
Kathy FurlongSuperintendent of Education
London District Catholic School Board
As we have developed over the years as a school Board, with the support of CTIP, Grand Erie has broadened our scope to the intersection of trauma and risk, and the importance of understanding school systems and the relationship to safety, wellness and recovery. Our system is richer for the knowledge we have been able to gain through our relationship with Kevin Cameron and the CTIP.”
Christine Bibby
B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W.
Safe and Inclusive Schools Lead, Grand Erie District School Board: Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk region of Ontario, Canada
Los Angeles Unified School District has had an integral relationship with CTIP for nearly two decades, our collaboration and partnership has created a footprint across our Los Angeles County. CTIP has trained hundreds of social workers, law enforcement, school administrators, educators and community partners with his keen ability to build our capacity to address critical situations with the VTRA model and a multidisciplinary approach.
Pia V. Escudero
Director – School Mental Health/Crisis Counseling & Intervention Services
I cannot say enough about the good work of the Center for Trauma Informed Practices. The VTRA model has completely transformed the way we respond to potential threats in our schools and communities. Level 1 and 2 VTRA training is a powerful shared learning experience for school staff and community partners - Kevin is a gifted presenter, and the material is deeply engaging. The process of creating a shared Community VTRA Protocol is prime example of collaboration among various agencies to improve outcomes for youth. If you have not yet begun the VTRA journey in your area, this should be your next initiative!”
Brea Malacad
Psychologist and Wellness Consultant; Elk Island Catholic Schools
I have had the privilege to work with CTIP for over 8 years as a District Principal with Edmonton Catholic Schools in the area of Violence, Threat and Risk Assessment (VTRA) training. The training and support our administrators have received from the Center for Trauma Informed Practices (CTIP) has been invaluable in the reduction of violence in schools and communities as well as the promotion of safety measures for all members of the community. Without this highly effective training, we would be unable to respond so successfully in the management of violent risk assessments. "In addition to the exceptional VTRA training we have received and are continuing to receive as a District, CTIP has been instrumental in the creation of our Edmonton Community Threat Response & Intervention Support Protocol (C-TRISP). Reflecting the work of Mr. Cameron, eleven (11) partners have come together to create this significant protocol in support of collaborative planning to reduce violence and reflect safe and caring practices throughout the City of Edmonton. I highly recommend CTIP to any organization and wish to thank them for their outstanding service to our District.
Lucille Charrois
District Principal, School Operations Services; Edmonton Catholic Schools
VTRA is the recognized ‘Gold Standard’ for violence prevention and intervention! Alongside the Toronto Police Service, we are in the midst of providing VTRA Training to over 1000 front line/multi-disciplinary staff from nearly 100 Community Agency Partners that are involved with our F.O.C.U.S Situation Tables. Further, we have found that above the recognized benefits of VTRA, this FOCUS Toronto capacity building has immediately enhanced our operational responses to preventing/countering violent extremism in Toronto.
Detective Brian Smith
Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit, FOCUS Situation Tables Coordinator & Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Coordinator