J. Kevin Cameron, Executive Director, CTIP | March 17, 2020
COVID-19: Moving Forward with a Caring Approach
This is the first of a series of CTIP communications that will be released as circumstance warrants. As indicated in the work of VTRA, “the better the data, the better the assessment and the better the assessment, the better the intervention”. As professionals from multiple disciplines across the country, and beyond, are sharing our expertise, we are also learning that the current COVID-19 crisis has some uniqueness specific to our generation especially around more disperse transmission due to modern travel and exponentially higher anxiety due to media and social media coverage.
NACTATR | February 10, 2020
The Insurrection on Capitol Hill: Supporting Recovery from Life-Threatening Violence
Dr Marleen Wong and J. Kevin Cameron have combined their years of experience to provide insight and counsel on supporting those impacted by the riots on Capitol Hill. Details of the violence that occurred during the Insurrection of January 6, 2021 continue to be disclosed as we learn more about the motivations and actions of those groups and individuals who surged through the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Coming after months of struggling
Kevin Ma | December 7, 2019
Region signs violence prevention protocol
Schools, police and community leaders signed a deal this week that could help prevent school shootings. About 90 people were at the St. Albert Curling Club Wednesday to witness the signing of the St. Albert regional Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Protocol.
BC Government News | November 21, 2019
Student safety increased through school-police partnerships
A stronger partnership between schools and police is helping keep more B.C. students safe. A new collaborative and comprehensive resource for use by schools and police is intended to ensure consistent practices are followed provincewide and will help to proactively identify risk, guide interventions and provide supports for students when they need them most.
NACTATR | October 30, 2019
Hamilton Tragedy: National Implications
To all VTRA-trained professionals:
In the aftermath of the tragic death of Hamilton, Ontario youth Devan Bracci-Selvey, many school districts across the country have noted a growing concern from parents and caregivers about bullying. In the 10th edition of the community VTRA protocol we added three new categories for action: -
New York Times | March 14, 2018
Limits to Law and Information Sharing, Despite Gunman’s Danger Signs
Experts believe that it is rare for school-related violence to happen out of the blue. These events are most often carefully planned and developed. According to Alberta violence threat risk assessment teams, perpetrators leave enough indicators to alert those paying attention, and spotting the signs before it escalates to stop violence before it starts.
Alberta Primetime | March 14, 2018
Preventing school-related violence in Alberta
Experts believe that it is rare for school-related violence to happen out of the blue. These events are most often carefully planned and developed. According to Alberta violence threat risk assessment teams, perpetrators leave enough indicators to alert those paying attention, and spotting the signs before it escalates to stop violence before it starts.